
Douglas E. Noll, JD, MA, Mediator, Award-Winning Author and Visionary Presents A Life-Changing Webinar:

How to Turn Anger Into Intimacy Almost Instantly
Inside This Webinar Presentation

The Secret to Turning Anger Into Intimacy

This life-changing 50 minute webinar will teach you the basics of how to turn anger into intimacy using cutting edge skills developed from recent discoveries in neuroscience. The presenter, Douglas E. Noll, JD, MA, is an internationally recognized mediator and peacemaker, award-winning author, and visionary. HIs teaching is extraordinarily powerful.

Only Pay For the Knowledge If You Love It

if you don't see the value in the information and skills presented in this webinar, email Doug within 24 hours at doug@dougnoll.com to let him know and your credit card will not be charged. Love it and your card will be charged $39.00. Alternatively, get a 50% discount and pay $19.00 today if you want access to the webinar without the risk-free guarantee.

How to Remain Calm and Compassionate in the Face of Insults

No matter what the insult is, you will learn to remain calm and compassionate. You will no longer be anxious, defensive, or want to run away.You will turn angry outbursts into intimate moments with your spouse, child, parent, or friend.

End Your Upset, Anxiety, and Defensiveness Around Angry Partners

You will gain a life-transforming set of skills that, until now, have not been generally available to the public. You will gain self-confidence and be empowered in ways you have never imagined.
Webinar Schedule

Thursdays 7:00 pm Pacific/ 10:00 Eastern

Saturdays 9:00 am Pacific/ Noon Eastern

Thank You Doug!

I watched your webinar and used this with my husband today.  I said something he didn't like, his voice rose and I felt he was attacking my point of view.  I stated 2 other feelings then I finally got it right...he was sad about a situation.  It was like letting the air out of a balloon, and we shared a moment of intimacy instead of arguing.


I Was Amazed. . .

So today I had a very very mad customer at my job and after taking a deep breath I was listening and focused on her and venting and complaining and on and on and I applied your protocol.

When it was all said and done she was so calm and a whole different person my reward was when she went to leave she said to me I can't believe how you de-escalated my situation and how well it turned out.

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